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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A woman embraces a large stone crowned with a beautiful chalice overflowing with water. The five streams of water represent the outpouring of spirit over the material world. A dove, symbolizing the descent of spirit, drops a wafer into the chalice, a gift of pure love.

This card presents the gift of love. This can take the form of a new romantic interest, a creative desire, or a spiritual awakening. At this time, your life is filled with possibilities and abundant, joyful emotions. All you need to do is embrace the moment and use that energy for the start of something wonderful.

If reversed, this card suggests feeling depleted, empty, and very much in need of spiritual or emotional refreshment. It can also represent the opposite: feeling overwhelmed and drowning in emotions.

Use your intuition

  • This card is very dark on one side and very bright on the other. What is the implication?
  • What does the moon symbolize in this card?

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